So yes I own a Wii, I've had it since launch day and I love the thing. Wii Sports and Zelda have been thoroughly enjoyable for me and my friends (wii sports), granted we're a little biased as five of us own Wii's

It works just fine with my Axiom's and my projector. My only caution would be the sensor bar. It has a 10ft cable and needs to go in the center either above or below your screen. If all your gear is stuffed in the back somewhere you might have a cable running on your floor for a bit.

There are 3rd party extension cables, and a wireless sensor bar coming as well, but they're not quite out yet. I actually managed to sneak mine behind the fabric below my screen so you can't even see the cable.

If you have any other questions feel free to hit me up at, I've been over this thing with a fine toothed comb and have been reading about it since 6 months ago, so I can answer pretty much every question, complete with a non-fanboy attitude.

If it matters at all, I'm not a 14 year old gamer, I'm 23 and a successful college graduate


- D

"Big John is my Idol...or is it that other way around? Let's ask Ray!"