I'm not an audiophile-but I do appreciate nice audio equipment. Having lived in multitenant dwellings for most of my life I experienced my music in my car-and I've invested stupid amounts of money trying to get a good car audio sound with little to no success. Getting low lows and high highs is easy-getting the midrange to match the lows and the highs not so much-especially when you crank up the volume (or turn it down too low). I have the M80's for home now that I own a house and I can say that when it comes to treble/mid/bass the M80s stay consistent regardless of volume. Of course, I only have low end speakers to compare with my Axioms. When I was shopping I listened to some Definitive Tech speakers and didn't like them (too much bass, not enough anything else), some Paradigm Monitor speakers which I absolutely loved, and similarly priced B&W speakers which I also liked, but slightly preferred the Paradigms. I went with Axioms because they were compared to the higher end Paradigms for about the same price as the lower end Paradigms.

Since you sound like a much more discerning person than I am you might want to check out the audition forum and see if you can get an in person preview of the Axioms. I think Axiom gives people a 5% commission if you buy after the audition so you'd be doing someone here a favor too.