To start things off regarding my theatre room layout, I had made 3d models, excel spreadsheets, and even asked you all what you thought about the 2 row layout and side surrounds.

Well, last night I was looking at the diagram again (again, yes...) and pretty much decided against a result of reading a thread here on Axiom (Axiom boards seem to be the worst for changing my setup!) Now I had a choice, to leave the side surrounds where I have them (1 foot behind front row and 4 feet in front of the second row) or compromise.

I decided to move my wires back 1.5 feet to make the side surrounds 2.5 feet behind the front row and 2.5 feet in front of the second row.

Sheesh, will the 1.5 foot difference really matter? who knows, all I know is that I had to drill through the drywall and through a stud on one side in order to pull the cable back so that the side surrounds were 4 ft from the back of the room. Then I had to drill ANOTHER hole on that same side in order to get the wire where I wanted it. Good thing I left alot of slack on the wire when I pulled it. I fished it with a coat hanger ITs safe to say my wife thought I was pretty crazy moving the QS8s back 1.5 feet...she just sat there watching my like I was the biggest idiot, good times!

Just wondering if any of you guys were this obsessed over your room layout? I just want all the rows to enjoy the movies, I didn't want to have the back row totally suck with the side surrounds 4 feet in front of them...

As it stands, the 2.5 feet in front and behind is 20 degrees in front and behind of the listening positions (respectively).

Once my speakers arrive I will do a test for sure to see what its like to have the surrounds 2.5 feet in front as opposed to 2.5ft behind the primary seating position.

The good thing is that my back wall is only 4 feet from the side surrounds, so hopefully the back row will get some nice reflections.

Not really expecting alot of replies, just felt like I needed to vent a bit! After all this changing stuff around, I am getting pretty good at filling in holes and mudding! (I did the same thing with the rear surround wires about 3 weeks ago)

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