I think it's time for ALL the M60 owners to stand up, and be counted!

I think it first started here...back a year or so, when the "Axiom M50 posse" were strutting their stuff about THEIR speakers.

I know they are great speakers, (like all Axioms) but, did those guys REALLY think that the M50 (or any speaker for that matter) was equal to the M60?

Now, fast forward to the present.........All of a sudden, there is post, after post....M80s this, M80s that.
Once again, a GREAT speaker...but NOT an M60!

We ALL really like which ever Axiom speakers we have chosen...but, I think it is time for all of the M60 owners to unite.

We can establish, once and for all, that the M60 IS Axiom's true flagship speaker.

To prove it,.......we WILL shock, and awe them all, with our sheer numbers!

Axiom M60 owners...speak out!

LT (not a 'fanboy') 61

LIFE: "Choices, balance, and timing"
