I use a pair of Atacama Nexus 20" stands with the cherry M22s. They are beautiful and very sturdy--thus far (knock on wood) my young boys have yet to knock them down--and place the M22s at perfect listening height. The top of the stand is also perfectly sized for the M22s.

I filled the Atacamas with lead shot from a local gun store--one standard-sized bag of standard-sized shot was enough for both. Since I placed the stands on a hardwood floor, I also bought some black base footers--mine are Lovan, but there are other brands. Regular blue poster tack holds the speakers to the stands (amazingly forcefully) and the footers to the floor.

AudioAdvisor sells the Atacamas. This link may take you there: http://www.audioadvisor.com/store/productdetail.asp?Variant=1&AttribNum=2&pf_id=4661&sku=ATANEXUS10&selAttribute_1=Black&selAttribute_2=20+in

By the way, in the course of composing this reply, I discovered that I have four brand-new Lovan black base footers left over (I thought I would need them for the sub, but didn't). If anybody wants them for US$10 + shipping, they're yours.

Good luck with the stands!