I love old Marantz equipment. It's solid, well made, sounds good, and is gorgeous. That said, I've never owned a piece of it that was completely functional. I'm thinking about having my 2220B fixed up, but we'll see.

Anyway, I've heard bad things about the quality on the 7200s, and I didn't find their lineup to be that good a value at the moment, at least when I was comparing to H/K. What I noticed was the 6.1 vs. 7.1 and the lack of all channel 192/24 processing until you get up to the 7300. Also, until you get to the 6300, you don't get B channel speakers. Then you have to go to 7300 to get multiroom.

Also, they're not as pretty as they used to be.

I am the Doctor, and THIS... is my SPOON!