
Some very interesting innovations there.
Will the frequency graphs be posted on these new products? Ever a scientist, i love to see the numbers.

I'm curious how the wireless speakers will pan out. I've read so many reports about poor speaker response with wireless systems, but perhaps no one has taken the serious time to work towards building a proper unit. Funny how Ian mentioned it would make a good item for a boat considering i just threw up a post on buying yachts...coincidence? Or a ploy for my pocket book?

And when is the show coming out west?

I've been intrigued with wireless speakers for a long time myself especially for my boathouse. These speakers with the requisite electronics are supposed to provide uncompressed transmission which is where the real innovation may reside. Most of the wireless speakers I have examined suffered from poor fidelity as a result of compression.

The other interesting aspect of the wireless speaker at the exhibit was the solar power supply which was also a neat innovation.
