Based on reading many reviews and scanning this message board over the past few months I finally took the plunge for the QS8s this week. My system consists of a Pioneer 50" Plasma, a Denon 3806 with Monitor 9i Fronts, Monitor Studio Center, M&K Sub and the 8s will replace old ADS 810s in the rear. My wife and I watch a lot of DVDs and HDTV programming, little music. We do not have a great room lay-out but as many folks do we live with the comprimises. My plan is to mount the QS8s on the wall opposite (14 ft across) the wall with the Plasma TV. They will be mounted on the wall approximately 5 ft above the floor on each side of a double fireplace. Another option would be to place them on stands on each side of our listening area rather than on the rear wall. Based on your experiences which location do you think would be preferable in a 5.1 set-up?

