I posted this question at Audioholics.com and got an underwhelming response. Perhaps you all can help me: I have accepted the task of researching A/V products for my parents' new home, which is nearing the end of construction. They displayed their (uninformed) desire for high-end equipment when they dropped $12K at the Bose boutique. Luckily, I was able to convince them to return it all and we've been piecing it all together over the last few months.

The main remaining purchase is the 5.1 speaker setup in the living room/home theater. I was ready to sell them on Axiom speakers when I began to recognize the severe difficulties of the room's accoustics. Before I describe the room, let me pose my question: Given the room's dimensions/accoustical properties, would it be a waste to purchase a $1500+ Axiom setup if the room is going to make it sound like a $200 HTIB?

The room: The living room is completely open to the kitchen with hardwood floor throughout. From the primary listening position, the kitchen is to the left. The couch will most likely be positioned directly against the back wall, about 15' from the TV. The ceiling starts at 8' height at the right wall, but it's vaulted to a peak of 12' between the living room and kitchen. The ceiling is faced with hardwood as well.

My greatest fear is that the room's accoustics will make the Axioms sound so bad, they'll wish they'd kept the Bose (which sounded great in their accoustically sound demo theater with nothing to compare to). Another speaker option I recently discovered is the Hsu Ventriloquist, which is under $600. Would we be better off saving $1K going this rout if the room is as awful as it seems? Thanks for the help.