I had the opportunity to take my m60s to a buddy with Paradigm Studios and listen to them side by side in the same room. They were the best of the very few choices I could make locally.

I'm not a professional listener and most of any audio knowledge I have now comes from this board and the Internet, not from experience. Maybe that's why i had trouble telling the difference. I'm thinking my M60s might have had a little more bass and both were so clear on the details I can't even comment there. Maybee the Paradigms were a bit brighter on the high end but not in an unpleasing way. My buddy agreed.

It wasn't a blind test and we had to take the time to change cables all the time without a switch or even banana plugs, so not scientific at all.

All I can say for sure is that they were extremely similar to me and in the end, I knew I would be happy with either one and I payed a lot less than he did. Happy Customer!

as a P.S.
To prove we were not just totally bad listeners, we hooked up his RBH bookshelves, that he now uses as surrounds, as mains. Again, not blind but we could definably notice a strong difference. The depth was gone from the bottom and the extreme detail level was gone. Not a fair comparison but we were trying to prove we were not tone deaf rather than compare the RBHs to the others.

We also had a few beer by then so more science lost.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.