There have been lots of threads on this, but it's always fun to re-hash 'em!

I've been lurking about on the AV123 forums for quite a while. A good group of folks, that's for sure. I've read a few posts comparing Rockets to Axioms over there, and they seem to not-surprisingly be in favor of Rockets, but usually complimentary to Axiom.

Don't tell anyone, but when I bought my M80's earlier this year, I was actually considering getting a pair of RS760's instead. Not because I think they're better, but just to get something different. The biggest negative against the Rocket floor-standing speakers was the shipping. Unlike Axiom, shipping isn't free and it's not cheap. Figure at least $100-$200, depending on the weight.

The finishes on the Rockets are simply stunning. From the photos I've seen, vastly superior to the standard vinyl finish of Axioms. Of course, Axiom has the custom finishes that I fully expect to equal the Rockets, but at a price.

As far as sound quality goes, folks seem to love 'em. I have read discussions that would suggest that Rockets are a bit warmer than Axiom. Whereas Axioms are occasionally criticized as being 'too bright', Rockets seem to be occasionally criticized as being 'too warm'. More of a mid-range hump, as it were. Not better, not worse, just different. I have not heard them in person, so I really can't really say for sure.

It's funny that you mention the x-mtm. I have been bouncing around the idea of picking up a pair for a bedroom system. I'm waiting until they actually start shipping and the discussion about them picks up. For $449/pair, it seems like a heck of a deal...

Last edited by PeterChenoweth; 04/25/07 05:14 PM.

M80v2 | VP150v2 | QS8v2
SVS Pci+ 20-39
Emotiva UMC-1 & LPA-1
M22ti + T-Amp, in the Office