Well the LPA-1 did not disapoint ..It arrived with the outside box fairly beat up but with no damage to the amp itself .. the double box did it's job! I listened to a little bit of music tonight and was quite impressed with the smoothness of the sound .. I love not having to crank it up to achieve decent listening levels .. Now for the breakdown of landed costs .....

Duty $31.22 (6.5%)
Broker fee $53.83
GST $30.59
PST $40.79
Total = $159.56

As you can see by the #'s UPS is commiting HWY robbery with brokerage fee's .. I plan on calling tomorrow to get an explanation as to why the broker fee is so high .. That is just crazy to charge that much for filling out a piece of paper.... Now back to enjoying my new Amp before I leave for work .. Hope this info helps those on the fence that are looking to grab one of these ..


Last edited by avdude; 06/27/07 12:55 AM.