
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Check out Mark and his "hope"!

ROFLOL.....That's funny right there....I don't care who you are!


Did you ever try a BFD or SMS-1?

Yes...I have a BFD. I leave it in the rack because I like the pretty lights. It never really helped because, for instance, if I try to EQ out a peak for one seat, the seat next to it develops a dip of an equal amount. That's the thing with a sucky room...it's not like I have peaks and dips that are the same throughout the room; they vary literally seat by neighboring seat. Trying to repair on listening position further messes up another. My wife gets mad when I point to her in her typical seating location and tell others: "That seat is where the dip is...."


If it's really the room (rather than, oh I don't know, YOU or evil spirits),

Evil spirits? Do I LOOK like Randy?


Trained squirrels?

It's an amazing coincidence that you mentioned that, because I DID try something close: Trained Chipmunks!

It didn't work out though. They tried to unionize so I fired their little asses and bought replacements at Wal-Mart.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::