I think the Yamaha RX-V2400 I have has only one global crossover and the Ascend sound the best to me with it set at 80Hz. I don’t think I will really want to adjust the crossover for the surrounds, so that would be one thing to make me lean in the direction of the QS8s. Also the size of my theater room (family, kitchen, and dinning are all one room) is 22 x 34 feet which, I think is this considered a medium sized room so this would also lean me towards the QS8s. I think the “WAF” is my only real concern for the larger surround, so time to start the propaganda machine for them.

With my current surrounds I have never really liked the direct sound that they gave me. The ambient recorded sounds always sounded too pinpointed to the speaker so you could tell it was a speaker. I am also thinking about the need for the direct sound in the rear and is it really for me and my room or not. I understand that sounds behind a human tend to be received more similarly to how sounds are received in front of a user. There is some desire in me to have direct speakers in the back of the room, but there is still the idea of having more of an enveloping sound in the rear that attracts me too. So I am leaning to four of the same quadpole speakers because of the enveloping sound.

If I am going to use quadpole speakers what have you guys found to be the “better” mounting location for the rear surrounds; “closer together on the back wall” or “far back on the side wall”?

Last edited by marksanctuary; 07/04/07 09:17 PM.

Ascend-Acoustics Mains, Axiom Surrounds