I've owned 3 Olympus cameras and I swear that I will never buy one again. I guess I am just a sucker for familiarity, but geez, these were $600-700 cameras when I bought them, with the most recent being 2 years ago.

Anyway, just my 2 cents. Oh, the current one was dropped from about 3 feet, but the batter door latch cracked and now it is just a slight nudge from never closing again and thus not usable as the batteries wouldn't stay in. Cost to fix it is $300 for the new body and my time to swap the guts... No thanks. I am going to go Fuji, Kodak, or Nikon like the rest of my family if I buy another digi-cam. Or maybe I'll just replace the camera and our camcorder with a HD "all in one" that writes to a hard drive who knows. Anyway, I am done rambling (in this post anyway)...

Farewell - June 4, 2020