First off, according to my audiologist, I have mutant-like hearing and I have the test results to prove it. For those that have read my other posts, I thought I was partially deaf in my right ear but it appears that my daughter and my wife have this problem and not me. This will be the subject of a future post.

Now that we got that out of the way for reference, with the exception of some Sting recordings, I have never had the need to use my treble control. When I have to use it, it works!

Where I have a bigger problem however is the dynamics of virtually every CD I have. Very simply, they are dull and lifeless. And they were dull and lifeless with my Bose 601s. It's not like they sounded better with the Boses and sound bad with the Axioms. I just didn't know what good was until I listened to Mark Knopfler: The Ragpicker's Dream one day through the Axioms and was startled with the 3D-like soundstage in stereo. Through my 601s, this recording sounded was the Axioms that revealed the recording engineer's magic. So I started the "Stunning Recordings" post in order to discover music that could give me this wonderful effect.

The truth is that now I don't listen to flat music. Even if I don't like the style of music, I'll listen to the recording if it has stunning sound quality. And my definition of stunning sound quality includes a "life-like" soundstage.

I've been experimenting with PLIIx and Neo6 in an attempt to bring life to flat recordings. Others have managed to achieve great results but I haven't yet. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I've certainly eliminated one ears . I am now starting to think that it has to do with my room acoustics as a result of a rather live environment.