>>I believe that on most(all?)receivers that use the - to 0 to + volume scale(one of mine goes 1 to 79)that the 0 point is the "unity gain" point where the input voltage has been reduced so that the gain of the pre-amplifier section(e.g. 12dB)plus the amplifier section (e.g. 29dB)which together would create a 41dB voltage gain with the volume control at maximum, is reduced to the 29dB gain figure as if only the amplifier gain was in effect.

Makes sense... I wondered about that as a possible interpretation. If I understand correctly, you are saying "0dB = standard line level out assuming standard line level in" ?

I vaguely remember that back in the dark ages "standard line level" was something like 0dBm, which may have been a milliwatt into a 600 ohm load or 0.775v.

I have no idea why I remember that, or if it's even correct. I'm pretty sure about the 0.775 v but everything else is a blur.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8