I don't actually have it yet. It's been a somewhat stupid process trying to get it. Our local Integra dealer--the only one--stopped carrying them, so I had to look outside the area. I had emails and calls out to several places. One place in Seattle both emailed AND called me back, but I'd already been talking to someone else who was just slightly faster on the draw. Well, I gave this place my credit card details and thought it was all taken care of, but several days later they contacted me and said that they couldn't verify the card after numerous attempts. I double-checked what I'd sent them, and it was all in order, but apparently something wasn't letting them do it. Anyway, I had to send a money order instead, which I did yesterday, so hopefully they received it today, or will tomorrow, so I can finally get the ball rolling.

I'll let you all know how the 9.8 is when I actually finally get it.

Now I'm just waiting for Axiom to drain the rest of the money out of me.