It's taken 4 years but I finally connected all the parts (bought the Onkyo AV receiver & Axiom speaker 6.1 set-up, then decided to move to BC. So left in the boxes for ~ 1 yr, moved out here & played outdoors too much, then had to build a ET system...more tools to buy & courses to take to learn cabinet making, then too much $$ from day trading, off to Europe for several months...or cat powder snowboarding etc.) Now I'm back to work & trying to get the 6.1 system working

All speakers work when running set-up "pink sound" except the sub-woofer EP 175

Using input 1 (Component Video + optical audio) from my HD Sat receiver, I get picture (plasma 42", output component video) & audio from front speakers only
Using input 2 (component video & optical audio) I only get audio from front speakers, no picture.
Have been all thru the hardware & software & troubleshooting in the success.

anyone else running Onkyo? any suggestions? TIA