
Well...underperform in a sense that it did not have the same impact it does in my current setup upstairs.

I'm not trying to be difficult but what do you mean by the "same impact". Can I suggest that you move the upstairs sub downstairs and compare side-by-side?


Im not too worried YET, because it was such a jerry-rigged test, but it caught my attention. I was listening to some music at the time. I was also told at work by an audio guy that some of 'impact' from a sub can come from the fact that upstairs, it is on a wood floor, and the sub somewhat shakes the floor, making the basement act like a huge enclosure to get some extra impact, whereas the basement, it is on concrete and does not move. Any truth to that? (more of a side question)

Well, he's right about the shaking the floor part but I don't think coupling to the basement is an important factor. Anytime your room moves with your speakers however, it's not a good thing. It simply creates distortion that colours the sound.