
The 980 is the SD player I would buy, if I were looking for one. It is the ONLY SACD player that will output DSD over HDMI (you’ll want this eventually).

If you really want to jump on the HD/BR bandwagon, dig deep, because it starts a chain of events that will all cost you coin.

Is your TV 1080P with an HDMI input?

Toshiba has announced their third generation HD/DVD players. Should be shipping them out before Christmas. I’d wait for one of them before buying any of the others. Or, you could pick up an HD-A2 for under $200 right now.

BR players out right now all miss something. Either on the video side or audio side. The PS3 is the only thing that does everything well, plus they keep spitting out firmware updates on this thing every month or so.

You’ll need a new receiver or pre /pro. Again, I’d wait till closer to the end of the year to buy one. There are a whole slew of new audio processors coming around the bend, including some trick looking Pre/Pros with HDMI 1.3.