I actually went for a walk and a beer (I worked 12 hours today... which means I get to decide to come home early tomorrow!).

Neigboors are there (and I am a nice neighboor) so I did not do any "power" test (tomorrow).

I was missing PLII on my old Yamaha receiver, which always annoyed me. I LOVE it! I can't say I will always listen in that mode, but for sure it is nice to have the option. Very good algo. Receiver also has Neo:6 and Neural-Thx 5.1. Did not explore too much yet to see which one I like best (so far it is PLII).

Love some little details like assigning names to inputs so that, instead of spelling "CD" it now says "SoundBridge". Too bad it does not change the label on the remote... which is quite good. It already knows a lot of equipment and it can learn missing keys. DVD + Cable + TV + Soundbridge keys (the ones I use) are ALL mapped, either auto or manually. THAT is cool. Never happened to me before. There is ALWAYS a key key (sic) missing.

Audio switching is a bit slow. Did not measure, but it is many seconds. Video I don't mind too much (I understand the complexity), but audio is a bit annoying. Especially since the receiver can have multiple inputs for the same device that are then accessed with a remote control key (useful for DVD/DVD-A players requiring both digital and analog inputs). So to have the thing shut off for at least 2-3 seconds (again, I did not measure so it could still be a perception thing) is not particularly pleasant. But, then again, once the fiddling stops, it may not prove to be a practical inconvenient.

So far, not yet "impressed" per se (did not put it enough to the test yet), but I am quite pleased.

OK. Going back to do some listening... and then bed time!

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