I think it's about high time we start lobbying receiver manufacturers to begin including two center channel speaker outputs on their units. There seems to be a real trend here to go with two centers, one above and one below the screen, and I'll betcha there'll be more next year, and the year after that! And it's just about time that the receiver dudes start steppin' up to the plate! Yeah!

Maybe the manufacturers(listening; guys?)can even dedicate an unused rear channel to be switchable to front duty on some new digital amps currently in development. ;\)

I'd like to add another center below my 65" Mits too. But since it's a RPCRT I don't have room to add another M3 just below the screen. There is about an inch and a half indentation down there and I may be able to carefully snuggle in a W3 without too much surgery to the TV, maybe.