I was thinking of crossing over around 80-100(this is just theoretical) but time will tell. I would love to get a pair of M80s but like usual you have to balance the cost/satisfaction and with a new house there is plenty of places to spend the money. I already spent a little more than I wanted with the sub, but I couldn't pass up getting an Ultra at a pretty reasonable price.

I have a personal preference of something with a pretty forward feel. A friend and I demo'd someones M3's against Ascend 340s(classics) and thought the M3's had a much more detailed sound than the Ascends. The Ascends, albeit with dual drivers, did have a fuller sound than the M3.

Hutzal- Your room(and website) looks great. I had not even given thought to a dual center channel setup. Depending on where I place my components, this may be something I could work with.

This forum is great. I've spent a good amount of time digging around here, and the quality of posts is always good.