I have a question for the sub experts here:

With my crappy, 13' square room, is there any significant advantage to upgrading my older EP350 sub to a single 400 or 500?

I understand that the new subs will go deeper, but I'm currently dealing with 28dB swings from one seated position to the next, and I'm still going to have the same room nulls and peaks. If I were to get a 500, for example, is there any advantage to replacing the current sub (same position) with a 500 if I'm currently satisfied with the volume of bass? Again, excepting that the new sub will go deeper.....

I'd like to think that I could get two 400s or 500s to help even things out, but that's an awful lot of coin and a helluva lot of sub potential for such a tiny room....

Any thoughts?

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::