Before my existing CD/DVD player conks out I thought I should start doing some research to be ready. Consider me a total newbie when it comes to video so I can use some advice.

I currently have a 720p/1080i Sammy. My receiver and current DVD player don't have HDMI so I use optical from the player to the receiver and component video from the receiver to the Sammy. I love the receiver's on-screen display and don't really want to give that up.

My format must-haves are CD (all formats)/MP3/DVD/HDDVD. My format nice-to-haves are JPEG/DVD-A/SACD/WMP.

Can I use component video with an HD player?

With HDDVD, do I automatically get something called Dolby true HD? Does my receiver also need to be Dolby true HD capable too?

Do analog outputs come with every one of these players? My rear and side speakers are further away from me than my fronts. Do the time delay settings permit this (unlike the Oppo which doesn't).

Do the bass management settings allow me to select 80Hz (I looked into a Denon and it allows 100Hz only).

What does HDMI give me and what doesn't it give me? Can I connect via HDMI for video and fiber for audio?

Should I get an xbox or a PS instead of a regualr DVD/CD player?

Should I get a separate DVD player and a separate CD player and why?

Can someone point me to an article that can educate me more about formats, options, gotchas, etc. I am not sure that I even know what I don't know. Thanks everyone.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated