Be careful of SoundPros. I spoke with them about the Yamaha before my purchase and they were quite evasive when I inquired about the factory warranty. They kept repeating that the unit was covered by "a warranty" which, after a great deal of questioning on my part, turned out to be their own warranty. Since they weren't an authorized Yamaha dealer the factory warranty would have been void and they weren't in any hurry to admit that fact.

With the warranty question out in the open they turned to a very high pressure sales pitch telling me that, "No authorized dealer can sell for a penny less than MSRP without voiding the factory warranty. Don't even bother to look around because you won't find an authorized dealer selling below MSRP who can also guarantee a factory warranty," etc. In the end I beat their price and got a factory warranty by purchasing through an authorized dealer.

Those sorts of things may or may not matter to purchasers but their interactions with me were more than a bit too smarmy for my taste.