Does anyone have one of the new TiVo HD 2-tuner boxes that are designed to replace your cable box?

I was always a big TiVo fan, but they lost me when Comcast offered a 2-tuner HD DVR. We've always had annoying problems with it though. Very sluggish response (annoying when you FF through a commercial break, but then it doesn't react when the show is "back on" and you want it to STOP fast-forwarding!!!); For unexplained reasons, it keeps recording shows in regular-def even though we specify to record on "this channel only" and choose an HD channel; lousy search capabilities, yadda, yadda, yadda.

We also still have our old TiVo for non-HD recording. I have a DLP that does not allow discrete inputs through the remote (I always have to slowly cycle through them) and I have a non-HDMI receiver. Further, I have two Sony 400-disc jukeboxes that I'm planning on selling as they've been sitting unused for years.

So now that you have the background, the question is: "How good are those new TiVos?" I understand that in moving to the CableCard-enabled TiVo, I'll lose cables' on-demand service, but we never really use that much. Any other features we'll lose?

Is the box responsive? Anyone using TiVo as a networked music server (replacing the jukeboxes)? Anyone have experience with WeaKnees and their higher-capacity TiVo mods? Anyone try downloading movies to the TiVo via Amazon's "Unboxed" service?

I have to admit, having one source for all HD, non-HD, and music serving would be phenomenally simpler and more user-friendly!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::