I knew someone would ask that question \:\) .

So here is the easy answer. If you are planning on paying a grand for speakers, why even consider the Nuances? Go straight to 80s.

Let's say for argument's sake you don't have the space for 80s because the wall that you want to set them against has a built-in entertainment unit so you are relegated to bookshelf speakers. In that case, I'd say a $1000 speaker is a waste of money because you'll end up butchering its sonic attributes by stifling it in a cabinet. So you may as well purchase something less expensive.

If I had the space for floor-standers but I had to make a life-long decision between the Nuances and the M3s or M22s only due to WAF say, I would take the Nuances without any hesitation whatsoever. An extra $700 amortized over my lifetime is a small price to pay for greatly improved sonic performance.

Does that answer your question?

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated