Actually, if I am not mistaken, some of the songs on the "new" GH3 are actually "older" than the others. (I know, you meant "different songs"... Just giving you a hard time.)

I actually find GH in general to be really fun. I also like the idea of the upcoming Rock Band game with 2 guitars, a set of (cheap) drums, and a microphone. The game play is a little different than GH, but it is fun that 4 people can play.

Not sure if Rock Band will come out for the Wii or not. Haven't checked into it.

So how does a Wii look on a projection system? I know that it is "only" 480p vs 1080i of the 360, but at about 85" diagonal 3:4 size, how would it look?

Farewell - June 4, 2020