When I had Mojo toe-in, my ears objected to naked M80s. The highs were too sparkly. I haven't tried listening for a difference with my current, zero toe-in configuration. I know what Ian and Alan said about the grill being practically transparent at all audible frequencies and I have no explanation for what I heard. I suppose someday I should convince myself by taking SPL measurements with varying frequency. I only tried this once by the way so it's not a statistically significant result. I do remember however that I was listening to a native flute close to what I believe was its top end.

That's interesting about the grille cloth thickness. We should compare our grills, Jason. I'm only speculating but maybe Axiom is trying to respond to reports of brightness.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated