For serious enjoyment, I prefer to close my eyes. It is basically to shut off all impressions on the mind and just enjoy the music / vocals. When you have such great clarity in the mid-range from the Axiom speakers, it can be very immersing.

Overall after a session of serious listening, I feel extremely relaxed and refreshed.

Going off-topic a bit...
There is a study that has shown that 87% of all impressions that form in one's mind are through the eyes. The remaining 13% are formed through the remaining four senses - Hearing, Feeling, Tasting and Smelling.

Consciously shutting off the 'Seeing' portion (even for a short period of time) rejuvenates the mind more than several hours of sleep. The experience of 'trance' and 'weightless' are a direct result of a concentrated & focused mind. I think I know what Haoleb is talking about.

Enough of this. Just the thought of that experience makes me want to log off this board and turn on the music !!!
