SD DVD is not going anywhere for a long while. Another thread on here said on Black Friday there where 57,000 High Def. players sold, and 600,000 SD players sold.

I look at most people in my life, friends, family, co-workers. Most of these people don't even have an HD TV. They have at least 2 or more DVD players not including their computer and mini van. I can't see them having to replace all the DVD players in their house yet alone dealing with a new format. They all think SD DVD is great and upscaling SD DVD is awsome. And many just have dialup for internet. To say the SD DVD or DVD in general will be a thing of the past in 5 years is very optomistic.

They all remember the VHS vs Beta and some got burned and others realized how lucky they were not to get burned. None of these people I have talk to are even remotly interested in HD DVD or Blu Ray, they want nothing to do with it.

Lets face it, the mass public doesn't want the best quality, If that was true, Beta would have won, DVD Audio and SACD would rule instead of CD and MP3. The mass public wants good quality and ease of use and that is what SD DVD, CD, MP3 gives them.

For crying out loud, I have a hard enought time getting my family to remember to get me 'widescreen' DVD's for gifts.



Axiom M80, VP180, Qs8, EP500
Epson 3020
Rotel RB-880
Denon AVR-990