I watched a dolby digital plus movie the other night and was pretty impressed.

I think that truehd and dts hd are both better formats.(spec-wise... I have not compared the three formats)

For most consumers it may not be a big deal that this player does not take advantage of these 2 formats.

IMO, the new HD sound formats are half the reason I want an HD player. Many people may not care about this and just want 1080p.

the bd-300 offers 1080p but it does not support dolby truehd or dtshd. My a2 decodes both truehd and dts hd, but only does 720p/1080i.

For someone like me who only has a 720p set and wants to take advantage of the hd audio formats the a2 is a clear winner. someone else may insist on having 1080p but could care less if the new audio formats are downgraded.

Of course if someone wants the best of both worlds they can step up to a higher end Hd DVD player or bluray player. I have no intention on spending that kind of money on an HD player yet

Last edited by terzaghi; 12/24/07 05:09 AM.
