The display and cabinet are currently sitting in front of a rather large picture window that reaches nearly 10 ft. high. There is nowhere to mount a center channel outside of the cabinet without taking heat from the WAF. I can certainly mount some surrounds in the room, but the wide open floor plan and vaulted ceilings are going to make it difficult to hide the wires tastefully. This may be something I add on in the future, but for now I have a new house to furnish! The only reason I was able to score my new Axioms is because the wife said my old speakers didn't match our new furniture. "Gee honey, I guess we'll just have to buy some new speakers then!"

I may still take a tongue lashing when she sees the size of the EP-350. Anyway, I know I'm looking for the lesser of three evils, but it's an evil I must live with...for now.