Ok, you'll need something to get the signal from the DVD player to the receiver, then from the receiver to the TV and the speakers.

Therefore, you'll need
1. Component video cables - 2 sets, usually color coded Red, Green, Blue-one from the DVD to the receiver, one from the receiver to the TV. Go with ones sold and labeled as component video, but don't go crazy.

2. Coax or Toslink digital cable-1 (from DVD to receiver). Your choice, both components support both formats. Supposedly, coax is slightly better, but I don't really buy that.

3. Subwoofer cable - ye old standard RCA-RCA cable. Longish, probably. 1 from the reciever's sub pre-out into the corresponding port on the sub.

4. See other posts for the speaker cable. Nothing special there.

5. You may want to look into the remote control ports on the DVD player and receiver. I don't know what they do, but it could be cool.

I wouldn't buy the package items. They could be lower quality, and they probably will cost more. The Axioms have red binding posts and black binding posts. The reciever's binding posts are color coded according to some standard or other, but the constant color (black or white, I don't remember which it is) goes to the black connection on the speaker, while the other color goes to the red connection. If you get it backwards, don't worry; the speaker will not explode; it just will sound weak.


I am the Doctor, and THIS... is my SPOON!