I agree.

Also, if you like the artist and want to go back and buy the original releases, there's redundancy with tracks you already have.

Plus, they sometimes feel "disjointed" as most artists evolve in some fashion, and putting a track from their first album onto the same best-of with a track from their tenth album doesn't necessarily work together.

I do believe in "best-ofs" though when it's an artist that I KNOW I wouldn't buy a bunch of individual releases. For instance, I'd be perfectly happy to buy a one or two-disc set of the Best of Ray Charles, but would very likely never buy and of the 100 or so individual releases he probably had in his lifetime.

I respect that some people want to flirt with an artist or have a one night stand but not commit to a long term relationship. \:\)

Wait. maybe I should have used a female artist in the above example instead of Ray Charles! \:\)

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::