What’s true a RS is even worse at the big boxes. I worked at a Futureshop (Canadian Best Buy) over one xmas when I was in school, and couldn't believe the mark-up (100-400% or more). The next time you’re at B-Buy/Futureshop, follow the ‘product expert’ back to those 1980s computer terminals they use. Somewhere around the retail price at the bottom of the screen is their cost price (they take the decimal out, so 600 would be $6.00, etc.). I remember a $40 set of component cables costing about $8.

Commissioned sales staff (futureshop) push Monster like crack because they get a huge commission off them. Five years ago, you could make $10-20 selling a DVI cable (cutting edge at the time), and $0.50-3.00 on the DVD player to go with it…

If you think you can actually hear/see the difference and you’ve got money to burn, then go for it. For the rest of us, there’s monoprice…