Samandnoah - Texas sounds really good to me! Still pretty cold up here for the next 2 months or more. Darn.

Chesseroo - That Halo stuff really looks cool. Those blue lights really would fit in pretty good too! I'll bet it sounds as good as it looks too. No local dealer here though. What gets displayed on that small screen when you watch movies?

Myrison - Good luck on your build! I ordered plenty of things from internet companies and it was like Christmas every day waiting for the stuff to arrive. Here's some of the measurements you requested:

There was a typo in my first post. The room measurement should have said 37 feet by 17 feet.

The bottom edge of the screen is 22.5 inches from the floor.

The riser is 12 inches high. I wouldn't go any less than that if your screen will be as low as mine or the front seats will/may obstruct your view. I haven't had any complaints from the back seats yet! Maybe because it's closer to the bar??? I actually prefer to sit in the back seats up high for a better surround sound experience.

The front edge of the riser is 10.5 feet from the screen. The first row of chairs are as close to the riser as they can get and still be able to recline.

The riser is 6.5 feet deep and 11 ft. 4 in. wide. This does not include the part of the riser that the bar sits on.

Have fun!

Don't die with a clean shop!