thanks once again for your input on this topic. I just about have all the necessary funds. it's either going to be the rega 3 or the music hall 5.
also when i saw Partyka's response in this post, and his system, i sent him a private message and asked about the monolithic phono amp. he had just received it and had good things to say about it.
i did some searching on the net and actually came across greg weaver's reference system ( he's the executive editor of stereo times) and he uses the monolithic phono amp. he also uses and reviewed the music hall 5, this turntable is part of his second system.
i emailed him and he said they work wonderful together. the phono amp is more than i planned to spend, but the music hall 5 is less than the rega 3 and it comes with a cartridge. so the final cost would be the same as if i went with the rega and a less expensive phono amp.
i'm going to take my time with this prurchase and really try to hear everything i can before i make my purchase.