Ray! Good to see you!

You already have some pieces in place here.

Have you tried the Opera browser on the Wii? Unsatisfactory? Is the resolution the only reason to go to another browser, or is the UI a problem, too? My personal experience with big-screen browsing has been underwhelming. It could just be me. It seems like it should be fun, but I'm just not finding value there.

In addition to the 3808, either the DTV DVR or the Wii can be configured as a network media client. I think you're much more likely to have success with music and pictures than with video, however. I think TVersity is the dominant server-side piece there.

It shouldn't matter where the media files live on your network. I'm with Jason; having a centralized file server has made my life better and easier, even though I currently have very modest storage capabilities.

If it were me, I'd try really hard to make the 3808CI the music client, and I'm very interested in your experience.

I don't know enough about the PS3's ability to do network video streaming. Frankly, I think "video from the HDD" is your big application gap. Even though a PS3 might "do it", it might not do it in a way that you or Mrs. Ray find adequate or intuitive.

Please lead us into the convergent future, Obi-Ray!

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