I have a 50" sony lcd rp (KDFE50-a10)

Lately I have noticed that sometimes I am missing a slight amount of picture at the bottom of my TV. For example:
during car commericals when they show the fine print at the bottom of the screen at the end of the commercial I can only see the very top of the bottom line of words.

Most of the TV logos in the bottom right corner are fine when watching cable. Sometimes the FOX logo is VERY slightly cut off at the bottom. (It seems to be lower down than most other channel logos).

Here are some pics of my TV with the DVE overscan test pattern.

You can see that my image is off center a bit (shifted down and to the right)and I am missing the bottom 3.5% of the screen or so. I still have the 5% "safe zone" for action..

Does this look like a problem? Is this an acceptable amount of overscan?

I never really noticed this before but it has probably always been there.

Here are some pics of the overscan test pattern
