I personally use velcro strips with a tape backing (or get some velcro and 2 sided tape, available at hardware or even dollar stores). Strong enough that even knocking the stands into a wobble the speakers stay put, but still able to be peeled off for whatever reason. On my stands the thin velcro is about the same height as the foam isolation pads in the corners of the platform, leaving the speakers level. I personally don't worry about the effect on the finish on the bottom of the speaker as I figure it is unlikely that I'll be wall mounting them at any point.

For what it's worth, I detected no sonic difference with and without the tape, if you're worried about isolation or whatever.

I also have not seen any speakers with bottom holes, only back mount points (Paradigm, Polk, Energy).

Last edited by doormat; 03/04/08 07:23 AM.

M80s/VP160/QS8s/EP350; M22s; M3s.