I did a google search for "network percussion" and there seems to be more information about their accessories than their kits, but a few spots I found people saying that the kits were "pretty crappy" and "junk", but then again, it is a "budget kit" so you get what you pay for. If you get them, look into getting new drum heads all around. A good, name brand head will make a nice improvement to the sound. A cymbol upgrade may be in the future as well since the whole kit seems to be "off brand". BUT, for $300??? I know the feeling of wanting to get into another hobby like that, and the desire to get a good deal and get it now. If at all possible, I'd look for something a notch above this. You can have one VERY nice (compared to the Network one) sounding kit (even with cow bell) new for less than $1000. That is where I was at about 2 years ago. Trying to keep a new kit under $1000 and I found a lot of great sets out there. Then I ended up with a nice mid-range electric Roland VDrums set and I've got over $2700 into it. These darn hobbies... When am I going to find one that isn't so expensive. \:\)

Have fun!

Farewell - June 4, 2020