Oppo's 983 will also not do 1080p/24. An insider from Oppo mentioned that the 983 will be equally as good as the Toshiba's XA2 in upconversion, and to his eyes, 983 was perhaps slightly better. For those of us who already have the XA2 and an older Oppo player for SACD and DVD-A, I am not sure it makes sense to buy the 983 at $400.

Sony's BDP-550 BR player is expected to cost $450-500 when it comes out this fall and will be able to do 1080p/24, internally decode and bitstream all four formats (DD+, True-HD, DTS-HR, DTS-MA), will have profile 2.0, and offer 7.1 analog output among other features.

Oppo's BR player is expected to come out in '09, and I am sure it will offer outstanding value consistent with its prior offerings.


Last edited by ihifi; 03/13/08 01:57 PM.

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