Now that I know, more or less, what speakers I want, its time to look at the space I'm going to be putting them in. The plan is to start with mains, add a sub later this year (Merry Christmas me!), add surround 3-5 months after that and finally a center.

As I understand it, the space you put the speakers into has as much effect on the sound as the speakers themselves. In my case, they will be going into the livingroom of a concrete construction apartment (ie: a nice reflective box with furniture).

So, I have two issues to deal with: placement inside the space, possible treatment to deal with reflection issues.


Below is a drawing of the main area in my apartment along with the basic furniture. The prefered (and easierst) placement of the display and speakers is as shown in the diagram, along the long wall.

The Mains would be placed either side of the display(where the ones are), but I am limited as to where by the hall to the bedrooms. The speakers would probably only be 4 or 5 feet apart and I would be about 8 feet from the display. Most of the time I would be listening from the main couch. How does this distance between speakers affect imaging/sound stage? Ignoring the hall, what is an ideal long wall placement of the mains for a room this shape?

The alternative is to move everything around and put the Display and mains along the short wall. There are some challenges involved in moving 80 gallons of salt water and I have no idea where I would put the love seat.

YOur comments an input would be greatly appreciated.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!