Ok. I've been putting this off for a while...

In January I set up a stand alone Linex firewall (I'm the paranoid type) to improve the security of my internet connection.

It took a while, but I got it working except... windows update. Vista update fails when I try to run it through the firewall. I don't like the idea of turning off the firewall just to update Vista so now I gotta trouble-shoot.

I have the firewall set up so that it blocks everything inbound and have some custom rules to prevent certain types of attacks. I do not understand the implications of these rules as I set them up at the suggestion of others and followed their lead.

Does anybody out there know how Windows/Vista does its updates?

I guess my first step should be to turn off all the custom inbound rules and see if that makes things better. From there I would have no clue how to prodeed.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!