Also of note, many of the "RAVE" reviews get high ratings themselves, and the "RANT" reviews getting low ratings from people reading them.

The VP150 is a great speaker, both on paper and in person. If you put a great speaker into a crappy room, you will get crappy sound. Some crappy speakers in the same crappy room make actually SEEM to sound better, but you are getting worse frequency response from the speaker itself and things get "muddled" and your ears just take that to be "normal". Axiom speakers are not your average lot. If you have a good input source, they will sound amazing, but if you have a bad input source, or badly mixed CD, DVD or whatever, you will hear each and every flaw because the speakers are THAT good.

It is a tough call. For all I know you live in a cement house with a cement floor, cement walls, and cement ceiling, with just a folding chair in the middle of the room. Any speaker would be bad in that situation.

Tell us more about your room. There are many people that have added acoustical treatments to their rooms for all sorts of things (bass management is a big one) which will have a great impact on taming your room. The speaker won't sound any better, but the room will stop fighting the speaker so that you hear what you are supposed to hear.

Where are you located? Maybe an audition could be set up.

Farewell - June 4, 2020