
much to my surprise, my speakers were delivered by Fedex ground on Saturday morning. 9:42 a.m. to be precise. One of the M80 boxes was pretty mangled and the box was wet. The other one was damp at the bottom. The Fedex guy pointed this out and told me that he wanted to take the speaker out of the box to make sure it was okay before he let. We did and the speaker was fine.

Anyway, as I mentioned to you before, my HT room is still not complete, so I was not able to hook up the whole system. I did hook up the M80's with my new sub and man they sound great just by themselves.

I have my new pre/pro, amp, and CD player on a temporary rolling cart and set my M80's up on the concrete floor in the basement. Even under these harsh conditions, the speakers sound excellent. They will only sound better once I get them set up in their real home.

My Outlaw pre/pro has a factory setting for the main speakers set at "small" and a crossover at 100hz. Unfortunately, I can't change these settings until I get the video set up so I can use the onscreen display. Even at these modest settings, the Axioms sound great. If I'm impressed with the sound now, I can't wait to hear them in a carpeted room with the proper settings.

Thanks again for your advice and recommendations. I think I am starting to understand now why you and the other Axiom forum members continue to frequent these forums for months and years after purchasing speakers.
