On my DLP, the bulb fan stays on for 2 minutes after the TV is powered down. If the bulb has plenty of hours on it, and outages are frequent enough (while the TV's on), it would certainly hasten the bulb's demise. \:\) When I first got the TV, I was visiting one of my accounts, a TV repair business. I told the owner about my new acquisition, and one the first things he said was to be careful of letting the TV shut down as designed, because of calls for early bulb failures due to non-standard shut methods (power strips, etc).
So, warranted or not, a UPS gives me that 'peace of mind' factor... and I can keep watching Boston Legal uninterrupted!! \:D

Epic 80 / SVS PB13 Ultra
Denon 3805 / M2200 Outlaw Monos /
Sammy 55" LED